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Painful to have a dental crown? - Dental Designs Clinic Singapore

Written by Dental Designs Clinic Singapore | May 22, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Many are afraid of going to the dentist as they worry their experience will be a painful and uncomfortable one. We’ve come a long way with dentistry; thanks to the use of anaesthesia and sedation, dental treatments are no longer as uncomfortable as they used to be. The same applies to getting dental crowns

The process of getting dental crowns is relatively simple, and the crown itself can significantly improve your oral health if you ever need one. 

Who needs a dental crown?

Your dentist will recommend you get a dental crown if you have a damaged tooth that regular filling cannot solve. Badly decayed teeth and chipped and cracked teeth are just some examples. Crowns are usually also recommended following a root canal treatment, as the treated tooth will be more fragile and require protection. 

When choosing your crown, several factors including cost, strength and durability of the crown will be considered. If you are getting a crown for a tooth that shows when you smile (non-molar), your dentist will most likely recommend a tooth coloured porcelain crown or ceramic crown. 

Apart from fitting well with your natural teeth, other factors to keep in mind when selecting a material include: 

  • Position of your gum tissue 
  • Function of the tooth that requires the crown e.g. if it’s a molar, you’ll probably want to select a material that can withstand heavy chewing forces like Zirconia
  • How much natural tooth or enamel is there left 
  • Colour of your surrounding teeth 

At Dental Designs, all our crowns are made in-house from genuine, modern ceramic materials. Each crown is designed, hand painted and polished individually to ensure it meets the highest level of standards. 

Find out more about Dental Crown with Dental Design today!

Call us at : +65 6221 8284

How long does it take to put a crown on a tooth? 

With a traditional dental crown, you’ll need to visit your dentist’s office twice and put on a temporary dental crown. The entire process might take about two weeks. 

Today, you can get Same Day Crowns and have your crowns designed and placed in a day at Dental Designs Clinic Singapore. Here’s how it works: 

  • The dentist takes digital impressions of your mouth and teeth. 
  • Using this data, the dentist uses a 3D scanner (CEREC CAD/CAM software) to create a 3D model of your teeth and shape of your crown, taking into account biting forces and how the crown fits with your neighbouring teeth. You may have to wait for about 1-2 hours. 
  • Once the crown is ready, your dentist bonds it into place. Please note that for the crown to fit well, some of your tooth structure must be removed. 
  • Review Check a week later to make sure that everything went well, and you are comfortable with the crown like your own tooth

Does it hurt to have dental crowns?

You may experience: 


While you shouldn’t experience a great deal of pain when dental crowns are placed, some discomfort is normal and expected. During the procedure, infected areas of the tooth are removed through dental drilling. This drilling is typically what causes discomfort as the roots of the tooth are exposed now that the infected areas are removed. Your dentist will then place the crown on top to seal off the tooth and stop the infection. If you are afraid, speak to your dentist about anaesthesia options. 

Gum tenderness and soreness 

After the procedure, you may experience some feelings of tenderness and soreness along your gum line. This is due to the edges of the crown running into the gums causing inflammation, but any soreness should not last longer than 2 weeks. To help with the pain, try using ice packs, cold compresses and pain medication. Talk to a dentist if you're experiencing a lot of pain following a crown procedure, or if you have pain that doesn't go away after 2 weeks

In rare cases, pain from dental crowns are due to: 

Tooth decay and infection under the crown 

This usually happens if old infections were not removed entirely prior to placing the crown, or if a new cavity forms at the border of the tooth and affects the nerve. 

A fractured tooth or crown 

A fractured tooth or crown can cause mild pain and sensitivity to cold, heat or air. If your crown is broken or loose, please have it fixed. 

Receding gums 

If the gums around your crowned tooth have receded, you might experience pain and sensitivity. Receding gums are caused by brushing too hard and can lead to plaque build-up and gum disease. 

Improper fitting of the crown 

If your crown doesn’t fit properly, it can cause pain when you bite or smile. Dental crowns should adjust into your bite like your other teeth. If your bite does not feel right, it could lead to jaw pain and headaches. 

Find out more about Dental Crown with Dental Design today!

Call us at : +65 6221 8284


  1. Penteado, M. M., Tribst, J., Dal Piva, A. M., Ausiello, P., Zarone, F., Garcia-Godoy, F., & Borges, A. L. (2019). Mechanical behavior of conceptual posterior dental crowns with functional elasticity gradient. American journal of dentistry, 32(4), 165–168.
  2. Duan, Y., & Griggs, J. A. (2015). Effect of elasticity on stress distribution in CAD/CAM dental crowns: Glass ceramic vs. polymer-matrix composite. Journal of dentistry, 43(6), 742–749.