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Causes Of Toothache

Toothaches can be one of the most uncomfortable and disruptive pains experienced in daily life. They range from a dull ache to sharp, throbbing pain, often causing difficulty in eating, speaking and even sleeping. 

One of the reasons behind toothaches is tooth decay, also known as dental caries or cavities. Tooth decay occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that erode the enamel, the protective outer layer of the tooth. As the decay progresses, it reaches the inner layers of the tooth, including the dental pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. When the pulp becomes infected or inflamed, it leads to intense pain characteristic of a toothache.

Another common cause of toothaches is gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease. This condition occurs when bacteria in plaque and tartar buildup irritate the gums, causing inflammation and infection. Over time, untreated gum disease can lead to gum recession, where the gums shrink away from the teeth, exposing sensitive tooth roots and increasing the risk of toothaches.

Tooth Decay or Cavities

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Tooth decay, also called dental caries or cavities, has various symptoms including:

  • Tooth sensitivity to cold things and even to sweet things
  • Toothaches that present sporadically, and may worsen with chewing
  • Visible holes or pits on the tooth's surface
  • Brown, black or chalky white discolouration on the teeth
  • Bad breath
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Bacteria on our teeth feed on sugar and produce acids that attack the tooth surface, causing decay.

High sugar intake in our diet increases acid production and accelerates tooth decay.

Improper brushing or flossing leads to more bacteria accumulation and faster decay.

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When cavities are present, bacteria invade and penetrate the tooth, causing a hole. To prevent the cavity from getting bigger, the bacteria must be removed and the tooth surface sealed.

We offer metal-free dentistry with tooth-coloured fillings.

These fillings can stain over time and may need to be replaced due to wear. For a longer-lasting solution, consider ceramic fillings like inlays or onlays.

Tooth Sensitivity

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Short (less than a few seconds) and sharp pain on taking cold food and drinks is a common dental issue that affects many individuals.

This uncomfortable sensation can also be triggered when brushing your teeth or when cold air comes into contact with your teeth.

When cold food or drinks make contact with an exposed tooth, it triggers a brief, intense pain.

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  • Loss of enamel may occur due to acid exposure such as from the frequent consumption of acidic (sour) food and drinks, gastric reflux or vomiting.
  • Brushing too hard can result in receding gums and exposure of the sensitive areas of the tooth roots.
  • Improper use of home whitening products may result in severe sensitivity and pain. It's safer and more effective to do whitening under dentist supervision.

Find out more about our whitening services.

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Desensitising gels such as fluoride and tooth mousse can be applied to protect the tooth.

Do practice gentle brushing without excessive pressure on the teeth. Avoid brushing for at least 30 minutes after acid exposure (through sour food/drink or after vomiting/acid reflux.)

In more severe cases, fillings may be done to cover the sensitive areas and to protect the tooth against further abrasion and wear.

If you are experiencing any pain or issues with your teeth, we're here to help.


Wisdom Tooth Pain

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  • Pain and Discomfort: An aching, throbbing or sharp pain in the back of the mouth may be present.
  • Swelling and Inflammation: Pain may be accompanied by swelling of the gums.
  • Difficulty Opening Mouth: Pain and swelling may limit your mouth opening. 
  • Bad Taste or Odour: Trapped food particles may cause a bad taste or bad breath.
  • Headaches and Earaches: Wisdom tooth pain can radiate to the head and ears.


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  • Impaction: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often don't have enough space to fully emerge properly. When they become impacted, meaning they can't come in fully or at the right angle, they can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Infection: Impacted wisdom teeth can create pockets where bacteria can accumulate, leading to gum infections, along with pain, swelling and inflammation.
  • Tooth Decay: Partially erupted wisdom teeth may be difficult to clean properly, causing decay in itself and the adjacent tooth. 
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An x-ray is usually required to check the position and severity of impaction of your wisdom tooth.

The dentist will then recommend options for removal of the wisdom tooth. Surgical removal of wisdom teeth are fully covered under MediSave at our clinic.

If left untreated, the neighbouring tooth may become affected by tooth decay and gum infection and may, in severe cases, become badly infected.

Tooth Infection/Gum Infection

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Tooth or gum infections, often referred to as dental abscesses, present with the following symptoms:

  • Pain: Persistent and throbbing pain, especially to hot and cold, that lingers for a few seconds to a few minutes.
  • Swelling: Swollen and tender gums or facial swelling near the infected site may occur.
  • Pus Formation: You may notice a small pimple/boil on the gum near the tooth that is hurting, and may have a foul taste and odour.
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Tooth or gum infections typically result from untreated dental cavities, gum disease or dental trauma.

When bacteria enter the tooth's pulp or gum tissue, it leads to infection and inflammation.

Timely dental care is essential to address these infections and prevent complications.

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Depending on the severity, treatment options may include:

You may have an infected tooth with or without abscess. Please see your dentist immediately as these infections can spread and are potentially life threatening.

Gum Disease Linked to Health Disease

Dental health affects general health, and gum disease is closely linked to diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, respiratory disease and cancer.


Treatment of dental conditions improves general health and quality of life.

Reference: American Association of Periodontology. Please note that this summary is for informational purposes only and not a diagnosis. If you have symptoms or pain, please visit your dentist for a personalised diagnosis.


Swollen Gums/Bleeding Gums

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Swollen and bleeding gums are often signs of gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis) and can manifest as follows:

  • Swelling: Gums appear puffy and inflamed.
  • Bleeding: Gums bleed, especially when brushing or flossing.
  • Redness: Gums may appear red or deep purple.
  • Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath.
  • Pain: In more advanced cases, there may be a dull ache.
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Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is the primary cause of bleeding gums. 

It is usually due to inadequate oral hygiene, leading to plaque buildup on teeth and gums.

Smoking, poor diet, medical conditions (like diabetes), hormonal changes, genetics and certain medications can exacerbate the risk. 

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A thorough removal of all the buildup of soft and hard bacteria (also known as calculus or tartar) needs to be done with a procedure known as deep dental cleaning.

Dental rinses (such as chlorhexidine) to reduce bacteria, and additional cleaning tools (such as interdental toothbrushes) may also be prescribed. To prevent recurrence, oral hygiene must be maintained with regular brushing and flossing.

As periodontal disease is a chronic condition that can cause loss of the gums and bone that support the teeth, it must be kept under control with regular professional dental cleaning.

Bruxism (Grinding) And Jaw Pain

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Bruxism, often referred to as teeth grinding or clenching, can manifest with various symptoms, including:

  • Grinding Sounds: Audible grinding or clenching of teeth, particularly at night.
  • Jaw Pain and Headaches: Persistent jaw pain or soreness and frequent tension headaches, especially in the morning.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: Increased tooth sensitivity to hot, cold or sweet foods.
  • Damaged Teeth: Excessive wear and tear on teeth, leading to chipping, fractures or flattened tooth surfaces.
  • Disrupted Sleep: Bruxism can disrupt your sleep patterns and those of your sleep partner.
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The exact causes of bruxism can vary but usually involve a blend of factors. Emotional stress, anxiety or tension, particularly during sleep, often lead to teeth grinding.

Additionally, an abnormal bite, referred to as malocclusion, can encourage grinding as the jaw seeks a comfortable resting position.

Certain lifestyle elements, such as alcohol consumption, high caffeine intake and smoking can further heighten the risk of bruxism.

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If teeth grinding occurs during the day, try to consciously stop grinding or clenching. If it happens during sleep, it cannot be controlled. A custom-made splint or nightguard may be necessary to protect your jaw and teeth.

Sometimes, grinding habits can be due to teeth being crowded or the jaw position, such as deep bite. We can take a jaw x-ray to confirm, and braces may help to treat this.

Cracked Teeth

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A cracked tooth can result in:

  • Tooth Pain: Persistent, sharp or sporadic pain, usually lasting only a few seconds. Exaggerated when biting/chewing small hard foods.
  • Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages.
  • Visible Cracks: Sometimes, visible cracks or fractures on the tooth's surface.
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Cracked teeth often result from various factors:

  • Chewing Hard Objects: Gnawing on tough items such as ice, pens or hard candies can lead to fractures.
  • Teeth Grinding: Bruxism or teeth grinding can crack teeth over time.
  • Dental Fillings: Large fillings may increase the risk of cracks.
  • Trauma: A blow to the mouth or face can cause traumatic tooth fractures.
  • Natural Aging: Teeth can naturally weaken and develop cracks as we age.
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Cracked teeth can be saved with a dental crown. Untreated cracks can lead to infection and pain.

Larger cracks may require a root canal and crown or tooth extraction with replacement options like dental implants, bridges, or dentures.

If you experience pain or suspect a crack, visit our dentist for an early check-up as hairline cracks are difficult to detect without professional examination.

Preventing Toothache and Dental Problems

One of the fundamental steps in preventing dental problems is by adopting a consistent dental care routine. Regular dental check-ups are also essential to catch any potential problems early on and to receive professional cleanings. Additionally, reducing the consumption of sugary and acidic foods can help protect teeth from decay. 

  • Maintaining Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing are essential practices to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Using a soft toothbrush helps to clean teeth and gums effectively without causing damage to gum tissue or exacerbating existing dental problems.

  • Seeking Prompt Dental Care: Any signs of dental pain, such as toothache or gum swelling, should prompt immediate attention from a dentist. Delaying treatment can worsen dental problems, leading to severe pain and potential complications like dental abscesses or infected teeth.
  • Recognising Symptoms: Being aware of symptoms such as sharp tooth pain, sensitivity to hot or cold, or swollen gums can help in identifying dental issues early on. Referred pain, where pain from one tooth radiates to other areas, may indicate underlying dental problems that require professional evaluation.

  • Preventing Future Complications: Taking proactive steps, such as avoiding sugary and acidic foods, can help prevent tooth decay and gum infections. Additionally, regular dental check-ups and cleanings by a dentist are crucial for maintaining oral health and identifying any potential issues before they escalate into severe dental problems.

Managing Dental Pain

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Immediate Dental Attention

When experiencing severe tooth pain or dental emergencies like a cracked tooth or broken filling, it's vital to see a dentist immediately.

Dentists can provide appropriate medical treatment, such as root canal therapy or dental extraction, to alleviate pain and address the underlying cause.

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Remedies for Temporary Relief

While undergoing dental treatment, home remedies like applying a cold compress to reduce swelling or rinsing with warm salt water to alleviate the tooth discomfort can provide temporary relief.

Over-the-counter pain relievers may also help manage toothache until professional dental care is available.

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Emergency Dental

In cases of severe pain or difficulty breathing due to dental issues, seeking immediate medical attention such as visiting the emergency department, is crucial.

Dentists or medical professionals can provide timely interventions to alleviate pain and prevent further complications.

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Long-Term Dental Care Plans

After receiving immediate treatment for tooth pain or dental emergencies, it's essential to follow up with comprehensive dental care to address underlying issues and prevent future occurrences.

This may involve ongoing dental treatments, such as root canal therapy or periodontal treatment, to ensure optimal oral health and prevent dental problems from worsening.

Promoting Overall Oral Health

  • Professional Dental Guidance: Regular visits to a dentist for check ups and cleanings are essential for maintaining overall oral health. Dentists can assess the condition of teeth and gums, provide preventive care and offer guidance on proper dental hygiene practices.

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Adopting a balanced diet low in sugary and acidic foods can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Avoiding tobacco products and practicing good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing and flossing regularly, contribute to overall oral health and reduce the risk of dental problems.

  • Understanding Dental Warning Signs: Recognising dental warning signs, such as persistent tooth pain or swollen gums, will enable individuals to seek timely dental care and address issues before they escalate. Regular self-examinations of teeth and gums can help detect early signs of dental problems and prompt intervention.

  • Collaborative Dental Care: Working closely with dental professionals, such as general dentists and specialists like periodontists or endodontists, ensures comprehensive oral health care. Dentists can provide personalised treatment plans tailored to individual needs, promoting long-term oral health and preventing future dental problems.
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Same Day Crowns

No more unpleasant messy dental impressions needed. We use a 3D scanner to create a digital model of your teeth, therefore allowing us to design and precision-mill your customised crown to fit your tooth perfectly.

Convenient, customised, long lasting.

Creating Smiles, Changing Lives

Over 28 reviews

The service and doctor is the best in town! The customer service and receptionists are very friendly! Dr Phillip Miller and Dr Noah Teo is very nice and very professional on their skill! They also very patient to explain to me about the treatment!

Will come back again!

Thank you very much!

Beautiful and friendly dental clinic, was recommended by my colleague. Been coming here for dental cleaning and fillings. Always a good visit!
J. Kho

This dental clinic has very good staff who are well trained and friendly. The dentists are also very good and will explain the treatment in detail before starting treatment. The equipment is very high tech and I believe they are able to do high quality work as I did my crown here and it looks much better than my colleague who also recently did his at another place. The waiting room is also very comfortable. good job!

C. Zheng De

This clinic is one of the best I have ever seen. I saw dr Justin for my implant which I did many years ago, the tooth was loose, and other drs told me to remove it as they could not find out what brand it was but dr Justin was able to take 3d xrays and locate the brand and specially ordered the part in. he saved me from having to do a surgery to remove and put a new implant which would have cost me a bomb. the tooth looks even better than the original thanks to the experieced dental technician Katsuya from Japan. 

Very happy and will keep coming back for my regular dental. 

G. Hock An

my workplace is close by and I had a problem with my tooth for a few days, so I made an appointment to come down. The receptionist who booked my appointment was very helpful and friendly to explain the way to the clinic from my office. I saw Dr Nicholas who was able to do a root canal treatment on the same visit so that I didn't need to come back. I felt safe and comfortable to do my dental treatment here as the dental picks are all wrapped up and sterilized and only opened before each treatment when im inside. 

P. Wendy

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