
Are Veneers Permanent? Understanding Their Longevity In 2024

Dental Designs Clinic Singapore
22 May, 2023

Many patients looking to change their teeth’s appearance —be it stains, gaps, chips, cracks or crookedness— often opt for dental veneers as a cosmetic solution. Veneers are widely known for their ability to blend in with natural teeth and their resistance to stains. Further, the process of getting dental veneers is a very tolerable one; patients do not require extensive teeth shaping1 and generally can tolerate the material of veneers well.

Dental veneers, porcelain or a composite material, are known for their ability to enhance the appearance of natural teeth. However, a common question arises among patients considering veneers is their permanence. Let's delve into this topic to gain a better understanding of the longevity of veneers.

Most dentists estimate veneers to last about 10-20 years depending on care, and in rare cases, some claim they can last a lifetime. So how long exactly can veneers last, and what are the factors that contribute to their longevity? To get there, let’s first understand how veneers work.


How do veneers work?

A dental veneer is a fine layer of porcelain permanently bonded to a tooth to mask its natural shape, colour or positioning. For a veneer to be bonded, in most cases, the tooth has to be slightly shaved down2 to create a smooth surface for the veneer to be bonded to. This process is irreversible. In certain cases, the tooth may not need to be shaved down, and 'no-prep' veneers can be placed directly on the tooth, but this comes with certain conditions which your dentist can advise you on. You can choose to get one veneer or several veneers, but one veneer covers one tooth. You also have the option of getting a partial or full veneer, but this will depend on factors like your tooth’s condition, needs and budget.

Veneers, whether porcelain or composite resin, function as thin shells custom-made to fit over the front surface of natural teeth. Ceramic or porcelain veneers are crafted in a dental laboratory out of high strength ceramic to cover imperfections such as chipped, discoloured, or misshapen teeth. Veneers enhance the appearance of your smile by mimicking how beautiful natural teeth look and are permanently bonded to the natural tooth enamel by using dental cement.

On the whole, veneers are perfect for those looking for a smile makeover. However, the only drawback is that it is impossible to replicate someone else’s smile. This is because someone else’s teeth shape and size might not necessarily work for your face shape and teeth or jaw size. A good dentist will know how to take whatever you dislike about your teeth and make it work for you.


Am I a good candidate for veneers?

Most people qualify for veneers so long as they have good oral hygiene and healthy gum tissue. Issues like mildly crooked teeth, discoloured teeth, stained, misaligned teeth, and chipped or cracked teeth can be fixed with veneers. Patients who’ve had thicker veneers done previously and want a more natural finish can opt for porcelain veneers too. It is crucial to undergo an initial consultation with a dentist to assess oral health and determine if veneers are the most appropriate cosmetic procedure for you.

However, because veneers are part of cosmetic dentistry, they will not fix any underlying issues you have with your teeth. So if your reason for getting veneers comes from a bigger problem (i.e. decay, gum disease), it is best you get it fixed through orthodontics first. asian-girl-inquire-about-veneers

Can I get veneers the same day I visit the dentist?

Usually, veneers require careful planning and preparation, and it is unlikely to have them fitted on the same day as your dental visit. Getting veneers involves a multi-step process that’s spread out over a few appointments. This process includes a consultation on what’s possible based on the patient’s needs and wants; a consensus on what the plan will be; fitting on temporary veneers made of liquid composite that act as a visualisation guide, as well as capturing models of your teeth by 3D scanning and X-rays and fitting in the actual custom-made veneers.

At Dental Designs, we utilise 3D scanning instead of dental moulds as the latter can be uncomfortable. Digital scans are a lot faster, more comfortable and more accurate. Also, because we have our in-house dental lab and dedicated ceramist, the process of getting your veneers is expedited. Once fabricated, the final veneers are permanently bonded to your teeth during a subsequent appointment.


Must I really shave my teeth in order to get veneers?

This will depend on the patient’s situation. But in most cases, not more than 0.5mm is shaved off — that’s roughly the thickness of a fingernail. However, if a patient has large, crooked teeth with grey discolouration for example, then a significant amount of shaving might be required to get the teeth down to the desired look. On the other hand, if a patient already has short teeth or gaps in between their teeth, then there won’t be much shaving required at all.


Are veneers permanent?

With proper care and maintenance, veneers can last for a very long time. But whether or not they can last forever might be a stretch. The longevity of veneers also depends on the quality of the material used. We use high strength ceramics which have a higher load to fracture compared to natural teeth. However, as veneers are also subject to heavy forces when you chew, biting on hard foods or habits such as teeth grinding or fingernail chewing can affect how long veneers last. The tooth is also still present under the veneer can also decay, like any other tooth in your mouth.

You should be wary of dentists who offer lifetime guarantees on veneers or any dental services in general, because there are just too many variables that are not under the dentist’s control, such as your lifestyle habits and oral hygiene.

While veneers offer long-lasting results, they may need replacement over time due to wear and tear or changes in oral health.

Composite veneers tend to have a shorter lifespan compared to porcelain veneers as they are made from resin, which absorbs water and changes in appearance over time. While they can still provide excellent results, they may require more frequent touch-ups or replacements due to their susceptibility to staining and chipping.

With that said, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your veneers last as long as possible.

1. Avoid grinding your teeth

While teeth grinding is bad for all teeth, it is particularly harmful for veneers as the amount of stress caused could result in damage over time. If you have a habit of grinding your teeth especially at night during sleep, consider wearing a mouth guard to protect your teeth and veneers.

To prolong the lifespan of veneers, it's essential to avoid teeth grinding or clenching, as this can cause damage to both the veneers and natural teeth. 

2. Maintain healthy oral hygiene

The good thing about veneers is that by themselves they do not require additional care and will not discolour over time too. However, how you care for your natural teeth will indirectly affect your veneers as well. For example, if you neglect your gum health and fail to adopt proper oral hygiene, this could cause your gums to recede. When this happens, the edge of your veneers might be obvious and thus look unnatural.

Maintaining good oral hygiene practices is essential for the longevity of your veneers. Brushing and flossing regularly, as well as attending routine dental check-ups, will help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues that could compromise the integrity of your veneers.

3. Avoid food and drinks that are staining agents

To prevent staining and discolouration of your veneers, it's advisable to avoid consuming food and drinks that are known as staining agents, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and certain fruits like berries. If you do indulge in these items, be sure to rinse your mouth with water afterwards and practice regular oral hygiene to avoid staining.

While the colour of porcelain veneers won’t be affected by staining agents, your natural teeth would. Over time, this could lead to a discrepancy between your veneers and natural teeth. In this situation, you either have 2 options — change your veneers and match them to your natural teeth, or to do dental whitening on your natural teeth to match your existing veneers.  

If you're considering veneers, it's essential to consult with a qualified dentist for an initial consultation to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for achieving your desired results.

Find out more about Dental Veneers with Dental Design today!



  1. Farias-Neto, A., de Medeiros, F., Vilanova, L., Simonetti Chaves, M., & Freire Batista de Araújo, J. J. (2019). Tooth preparation for ceramic veneers: when less is more. The international journal of esthetic dentistry, 14(2), 156–164.
  2. Hong, N., Yang, H., Li, J., Wu, S., & Li, Y. (2017). Effect of Preparation Designs on the Prognosis of Porcelain Laminate Veneers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Operative dentistry, 42(6), E197–E213.